Big Hairy Carrots

Big Hairy Carrots

Eat A Big Hairy Carrot™ Everyday! Did you know carrots were originally viewed as medicine? The beta carotene in carrots can help reduce the risk of certain cancers and improve your vision. Carrots also have vitamins, minerals and carotenoids which are substances with...
Immune Boost Veggies

Immune Boost Veggies

  Anyone need help social distancing from their pantry? We get it… Potato chips and sugar can feel way more comforting than broccoli short term. AND right now . . . we need to power boost our immune systems.   The ONLY places in the food we eat that we get...
Hydrate to Feel Great

Hydrate to Feel Great

Registered Nurse and Licensed Professionals Fluids Drink 1/2 your body-weight in pounds in ounces of water daily at a minimum and 2/3 for optimum health.     Humans are 70-85% water.  Water moves nutrition into cells and waste products out.  If we don’t have enough...
Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing

Breathe easy. Stressors don’t weaken our immune systems.  Our response to stressors is what counts. Stress Tip # 1 Deep Breathe in fresh air and sunshine (or rain!) 3 times a day.  Take a deep breath and hold for a self-check on your lungs.  If no pain . . . you...
Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Immune System

Our immune systems are quite complex, but there are steps we can take (and items to have on hand) that will help you ward off infection or illness. We recommend you always have these supplies in your home, office, luggage, and vehicle. Mouth Wash (high quality, the...