Easy Fix for Hairstylist Pain

Get relief from neck, shoulder, hand and back pain.

Let’s face it, being a hairstylist is bad for your body!  Unfortunately, your job involves long periods of standing and looking down.

We see a lot of hairstylists with back aches, neck aches, shoulder aches, tendinitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

hairstylist pain relief

You spend most of your day standing in one spot, with a brush in one hand and a hair dryer in the other.  Then, you  change it up by bending over a wash bowl or spending hours doing straightening treatments or foils with your arms in the air.   This may produce great hair but it’s wrecking havoc on your body.


The solution?

Stretch and strengthen the muscles.  Knowing how to adjust your body to accommodate for your profession is the key to working and living PainFree.

Our WholeFrog® Approach

  1. Therapeutic Bodywork: Local clients can come in for WholeFrog® FullRange Therapeutic Bodywork . A FullRange Coach will customize each session to handle the root source of injury and pain, release stuck fascia and restore balance and flow.  Book Here

  2. Learn magical 30 second one-rep daily FullRange MOVES that diagnose, stretch, strengthen, balance and stabilize each joint level in your body so you NEVER GROW OLD in that way.

Our top move for hair stylists is Square Shoulders:

  • You are going to make a square with your shoulders. Start by bringing your shoulders up to your ears nice and slow.

  • Now take your shoulders to the back corner of the square. Squeeze with the muscles in the back like you’re holding a pencil between your shoulder blades and you can’t let it drop and jiggle your head a little bit so the neck is loose.

  • Slowly lower the shoulders back down to the bottom of the square.

This one simple move is your ticket to shoulder freedom, ticket to beautiful posture, ticket to opening up the chest and strengthening the back. And ultimately, it’s going to even help the low back and the spine stay erect as you walk through your day and make beautiful hair!

Get more 30 second solutions here

  1. Our favorite tool: The AccuMassager is great to have on hand after a day of doing hair. It is inexpensive, lightweight and so easy to use. Great for releasing fascia all over your body but especially on your neck and arms.

hairstylist neck pain relief

Don’t take our word for it:  here is a testimonial from a local stylists who booked with our therapist Zahava:

Words cannot describe how amazing Zahava is!!! She loves doing body work and it shows in her work. I feel like she understood my pain from the first visit. I have suffered from neck and shoulder pain for years. I am a hair stylist and use my body all day. She tries different techniques every visit to help relieve my pain. I am hooked!!! I feel like for the first time in decades I have found someone that is actually making progress with working out what is causing my pain. She is helping me progress, not just doing a massage for relaxation. She is super sweet, and she communicates with me along the way to make sure I am comfortable in every way, from pressure, position and temperature. I love that they have a questionnaire before the first visit so they know a little about you and what your needs for massage are. I can book my appointment online which is very convenient. The facility is clean and feels very comfortable. The temperature is always perfect and the lighting is relaxing. Water and Emergen-C are offered post massage. I never feel rushed to leave. I feel like I have finally found what I need to alleviate my pain. I will continue with Zahava as long as she’ll have me!  Kaity G, Camarillo.


WholeFrog® Online has a team of R.N’s, professional medical massage therapists, fitness professionals, PT’s and coaches who all share the same goal, your optimum health and wellness.  This video is not just for hairstylists, but anyone experiencing neck, shoulder or back pain from repetitive motion.

Fix Yourself Anywhere, Anytime at Any Age Guaranteed! www.wholefrog.com/fronline

Schedule a complimentary RN Consultation in clinic, phone or zoom:


OUR BEST TOOL for neck pain, elbow pain, hip pain and shoulder pain: https://gf338.infusionsoft.com/app/ma..


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