Do Your Feet Need a Vacation?

Our feet often get neglected and many of us suffer from plantar fasciitis, bunions, foot pain from high heels, hammer toe or other issues.

At WholeFrog one of our favorite tools to use during massage and at home is Yoga Toes®.

This amazing product is like a vacation for your feet and is just one way we treat our clients a little differently. For many clients, we will use Yoga Toes® during a massage.  They work by spreading, stretching and exercising toes.  When clients take them home and relax, this magical tool will…

  • Help correct and realign foot structure.
  • Strengthen and stretch foot muscles.
  • Help improve circulation.
  • Help the appearance of your feet.
  • Balance the entire body.
  • Improve posture.


So many clients love the benefits that we stock them in different sizes in our clinics and online.

When your feet need a vacation….think of WholeFrog. Heal your body, free your life!

Purchase Yoga Toes® here or book a free consultation and let us find the perfect size just for you!

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